State Management
Nuxt provides useState composable to create a reactive and SSR-friendly shared state across components.
is an SSR-friendly ref
replacement. Its value will be preserved after server-side rendering (during client-side hydration) and shared across all components using a unique key.
Best practices
Basic usage
In this example, we use a component-local counter state. Any other component that uses useState('counter')
shares the same reactive state.
<script setup>const counter = useState('counter', () => Math.round(Math.random() * 1000))</script><template> <div> Counter: {{ counter }} <button @click="counter++"> + </button> <button @click="counter--"> - </button> </div></template>
In this example, we use a composable that detects the user's default locale from the HTTP request headers and keeps it in a locale
Shared state
By using auto-imported composables we can define global type-safe states and import them across the app.
export const useCounter = () => useState<number>('counter', () => 0)export const useColor = () => useState<string>('color', () => 'pink')
<script setup>const color = useColor() // Same as useState('color')</script><template> <p>Current color: {{ color }}</p></template>